Razer Gold and Silver | Razer Insider
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Participated in Razer Con 2020 and Just filled with GOLD and SILVER from Team Razer. Don't know what to do with them LOL. But these guys are Reliable like they said. RAZER is a Reliable Brand and in Min We Trust. Expecting you guys to bring Razer to India. #RAZER #RAZERCON2020 #RAZERGOLD #RAZERSILVER
I got 5 Razer gold, can't complain, used it to subscribe to my favorite Twitch streamer 😃 But that's a looot of Razer Gold you have there 😮 Congrats!
Participated in Razer Con 2020 and Just filled with GOLD and SILVER from Team Razer. Don't know what to do with them LOL. But these guys are Reliable like they said. RAZER is a Reliable Brand and in Min We Trust. Expecting you guys to bring Razer to India. #RAZER #RAZERCON2020 #RAZERGOLD #RAZERSILVER

Wow,nice! Congrats for that Razer gold and silver 👍:smile_: