Thanks Razer | Razer Insider
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Hi everyone,

I'm writing this one because this week i've been acknowlegde with not one but two "Nice" achievements.

I've never had any before so i really enjoy it.

But nevertheless i have a question.

Because of work i couldn't log between the two Awards, and you have to claim the corresponding silvers to get them.

So did i "lost" (miss would be more exact) the first one ?

Anyway if that's the case i doesn't really matter, i'm not so greedy. But just by curiosity i'd like to know.
The second one was an accident! Sorry. Those shouldn't be firing twice in a week, sorry for the confusion! But because you're a good sport and I feel terrible, I'll see if I can give you a freebie next week, on me 👍

Thank you for the answer Dekades.

I really apppreciate your concern.

I've allready give my 5 likes for today,but you can be sure that tomorrow's first will be yours.:big_grin_:

This kind of relationship between the staff and the users that Razer has established confirm the thanks that i used to name this thread.

I may seem like a boot-liker but that's really what i feel.

Each time i had troubles with something about Razer, i've allways find someone to fix it.
The second one was an accident! Sorry. Those shouldn't be firing twice in a week, sorry for the confusion! But because you're a good sport and I feel terrible, I'll see if I can give you a freebie next week, on me 👍

I wouldn't mind some extra Silver either. Only a few thousand away from that Blackwidow Lite and as my first Mech keyboard im hoping it blows me away.
The second one was an accident! Sorry. Those shouldn't be firing twice in a week, sorry for the confusion! But because you're a good sport and I feel terrible, I'll see if I can give you a freebie next week, on me 👍
Hehe, good work then, i think a few more got it too. Should thank the staff too.