Thanks Razer | Razer Insider
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Thanks Razer

  • 13 February 2020
  • 4 replies
  • 1 view

Hi everyone,

I'm writing this one because this week i've been acknowlegde with not one but two "Nice" achievements.

I've never had any before so i really enjoy it.

But nevertheless i have a question.

Because of work i couldn't log between the two Awards, and you have to claim the corresponding silvers to get them.

So did i "lost" (miss would be more exact) the first one ?

Anyway if that's the case i doesn't really matter, i'm not so greedy. But just by curiosity i'd like to know.
The second one was an accident! Sorry. Those shouldn't be firing twice in a week, sorry for the confusion! But because you're a good sport and I feel terrible, I'll see if I can give you a freebie next week, on me 👍
Hehe, good work then, i think a few more got it too. Should thank the staff too.
The second one was an accident! Sorry. Those shouldn't be firing twice in a week, sorry for the confusion! But because you're a good sport and I feel terrible, I'll see if I can give you a freebie next week, on me 👍

Thank you for the answer Dekades.

I really apppreciate your concern.

I've allready give my 5 likes for today,but you can be sure that tomorrow's first will be yours.:big_grin_:

This kind of relationship between the staff and the users that Razer has established confirm the thanks that i used to name this thread.

I may seem like a boot-liker but that's really what i feel.

Each time i had troubles with something about Razer, i've allways find someone to fix it.
The second one was an accident! Sorry. Those shouldn't be firing twice in a week, sorry for the confusion! But because you're a good sport and I feel terrible, I'll see if I can give you a freebie next week, on me 👍

I wouldn't mind some extra Silver either. Only a few thousand away from that Blackwidow Lite and as my first Mech keyboard im hoping it blows me away.