7.1 surround sound login | Razer Insider
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 My 7.1 all of a sudden stopped working mid game and then asked me to re-login, so I tried to do so but it won’t let me login and it gives me (server access unavailable)  or (TEXT ERROR EMILY 503) messages. I have tried turning it off from task mngr and relaunch, also disabled firewall as it was a suggestion I found on google, and even reinstalled the software as well and I still  get the same issue. any ideas that might help?


Same issue here

me too


Same here, I thought that it was only me, until I saw the avalanche of complains...

Same, I'm relieved not to be the only one.

i got same error T T

Same here, i was thinking it was only me lol


i think so  LOl



i think so  LOl




it seem like that got somthing wrong on there server ………….umm


TEXT ERROR EMILY 503 ??? what happened

I have the same problem, it seems that the server is not available.
