black widow elite led lights not the right color | Razer Insider
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i got the black widow elite for xmis and it was working fine for a few days then i started to change the colors of the keys and the page down key wont always be the same color as the other keys. its been like this for a while then it seem to fix it self for a day but when i woke up the next day the light went back to the way it was. even when i turn all the lights off it stays on but is just dim in color same with the c and alt key. even the indicator for when scroll lock is on is dim even tho its off not sure why its doing this i tried resetting the keyboard with in the razer app but that did not work.
forgot to put pictures of what it looks like
That looks like a faulty LED which is usually not something a firmware can fix. But PM me the serial number of your keyboard so I can look into it.