Blackshark v2 Pro mic wont work | Razer Insider
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I just bought the mic today, got the wireless all setup and my sound works perfectly. Problem is that my mic just refuses to pick up any sound. I have done almost anything that I can think of including setting the mic to the default device, updating all audio drivers, not muted and is for sure plugged all the way in, along with trying all the possible options that it gives me in the recording section of my sound settings. Im genuinely at a loss and never had a mic do this and would really appreciate some help. Thanks.

Hello PimpKoala,

Can your headset still produce a sound when you play something? Does your microphone work when plugged into a mobile device? Please try to perform the steps in this article to resolve the issue. If the problem persists, PM me your device serial number so I can provide other troubleshooting. All the best!

​​​​​​​*Thread locked to curb conversation to PM.