Blackwidow Chroma X stopped working | Razer Insider
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It stopped working, had it working with Synapse 3 where it was detected and everything worked - except 4-5 buttons who was a different colour then the rest.

Suddenly it stopped - lights come on, but turn off when you press a key down, the key turns green.

USB sound keeps coming on/off and I see it being recognized and falling out in device manager - however the Synapse 3 and 2 does not recognize it at all.

I have tried:

Other USB ports - nothing

Changing power setting for USB ports - nothing

Removing drivers, reinstalling drivers and so on - nothing

Plugging out and in with ESC and CAPS down - nothing

It recognized it for a short while as a HID Keyboard, keys worked but no lights. Then it started software install of Synapse and all the same story again.

I tried it on 3 other windows computers, same story.

seems to work okay on my macbook with Synapse 2.0 however?