Blackwidow Elite - LEDs Flicker, keys repeat after coming out of sleep | Razer Insider

Blackwidow Elite - LEDs Flicker, keys repeat after coming out of sleep

I am running windows 10 on a Surface Book 2, all recent updates with Synapse and keyboard firmware updated.

Once my PC goes to sleep, the keyboard will not wake the PC, need to move the mouse...

Once the PC wakes, the keyboard may or may not have it's LEDs. If it does have LEDs, it is almost always in the wrong configuration or partially lit.

When I try to type on the keyboard, it acts as if the keyboard is virtually stuck, one press turns into 5,10,20 characters.

Disconnecting the USB cable and reconnecting it fixes the problem.

I have tried this connected directly to the SurfaceBook 2 as well as through my Surface Dock, problem persists.



I have had Key Repeating Problems coming out of sleep

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2 Replies

Userlevel 7
I am running windows 10 on a Surface Book 2, all recent updates with Synapse and keyboard firmware updated.

Once my PC goes to sleep, the keyboard will not wake the PC, need to move the mouse...

Once the PC wakes, the keyboard may or may not have it's LEDs. If it does have LEDs, it is almost always in the wrong configuration or partially lit.

When I try to type on the keyboard, it acts as if the keyboard is virtually stuck, one press turns into 5,10,20 characters.

Disconnecting the USB cable and reconnecting it fixes the problem.

I have tried this connected directly to the SurfaceBook 2 as well as through my Surface Dock, problem persists.



Have you tried using it without Synapse running in the background? Did you try connecting the keyboard to a different USB port or computer and check if the issue persists? Please follow the steps from this link and see if it helps. Feel free to send me a PM should you need additional assistance.
No responses... Is there a better way to get support? While I have a workaround, it is annoying and given the price of the keyboard.... Is there a better way to get support?