Blade 15 Base 2019 Fan Noise | Razer Insider
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I'm literally doing nothing (two browser windows open) and the fan noise is so loud all I want to do is return the computer. I can hear it from the next room. wtf? 😞
Sorry, the laptop is brand new, RZ09-03006E92. Not sure what other details would be useful.
Sorry, the laptop is brand new, RZ09-03006E92. Not sure what other details would be useful.

same thing happening to me. I will try updating bios to see if that may help. once I figure out how to do that...
I'm experiencing the same exact issue. Is there a solution? Driver update? BIOS update?
I'm experiencing the same exact issue. Is there a solution? Driver update? BIOS update?

I mostly solved it after a call to customer support. I kinda can't remember how, I think we tweaked a few settings but what totally helped was one setting where we knocked the processor down from 100% to 80%. It solved the "why the heck is the fan on when I'm checking my email?" problem. I have yet to actually game with it so I imagine I'll have to locate that setting again and deal with the loud fan when I need full power. I'm sorry I don't exactly remember where the setting is at the moment.