Cannot import synapse3 files into synapse4 - how to convert? | Razer Insider
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I have recently updated synapse to synapse 4 (“new synapse”), implicitly assuming that all my device settings/profiles etc. would be automatically transferred over into the new software.

Instead, what I seem to have found is that the new synapse is incapable of handling .synapse3 files? I’ve tried directly importing my backups (which I made the last time I had an issue, where synapse3 just… deleted/lost all of my profiles/data on 2-3 occasions for no reason I was ever able to trace), but when trying to load my .synapse3 backup files, the “import” button stays greyed out

I can’t find a way in the synapse software itself to convert from .synapse3 to .synapse4 files, nor can I find any information about this searching online. A naive renaming from “<file>.synapse3” to “<file>.synapse4” (predictably) didn’t work, so I’m out of ideas.

Is the solution to go back to synapse3, or is there something I’m missing? The reason I opted to install the new synapse in the first place was that synapse3 had bricked itself in an auto-update and wouldn’t let me log in to my profile, so if there’s a way to do it in the new (beta) synapse4 software, that would be preferable

Same, this came up first when looking for info and disappointed there are no replies.

I never got an answer to this; my work-around “solution” to get things working again was simply to uninstall all razer software and re-install only synapse 3. Hopefully Razer gets their sh*t together and adds either an import feature or backwards compatibility before synapse 4 becomes the main release version.

it was the same mess when we gone from synapse 2 to 3 and now they did it again… no solution to convert file and import our profiles.
