Clearence Delay | Razer Insider
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Anyone else had this problem? And if so, how long did your order get stuck in customs for? Mine has been stuck for over 5 days now despite my shipping option being the 2-3 days option. In total I have been waiting over 7 days. 

Is yours also in Anchorage, AK? I believe we have the same shipment. It’s been stuck there since Nov. 30. Razer support has a small page at the bottom that says packages can be stuck in customs up to 13 days, so I guess we will have to wait until then. Annoying.

Mine is in Memphis (I live on the East Coast), but I saw other threads talking about packages being stuck in Anchorage too. Customer service just said that it was normal. Annoying it's not coming in the promised 2-3 business day window.
