At first, after downloading Cortex this morning, Cortex greatly boosted the fps of my non-gaming laptop just fine. It only worked once. After that it's as if no boost happened. Before launching anything, the boost would show that about 600 to over 1000 MB of RAM was released. However, after launching, the auto-boost showed that about 150 to 200 MB was released instead.
(Back then, literally earlier today, disabling explorer.exe actually made it stop running when boosting. But now, at both pre-launch and launching the game, disabling explorer.exe doesn't do anything. It might be a clue that not all items were optimized/disabled even if they were selected for the boost.)
I've relaunched the game, and optimized and restarted the laptop many times but nothing's helped so far. I still don't know what went wrong but I still believe my simple laptop can find a consistent way to boost games. Is reinstalling Cortex worth trying? (maybe there's an FAQ or thread about a similar issue? If so, please point the way.)
Thanks in advance for any help and advice