Deathadder Elite dragging on firefly (hard edition) | Razer Insider
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I purchased a deathadder elite recently after having a deathadder chroma for years and loving it. It worked great for a few months of light use and out of no where I started getting this weird dragging feeling when moving it around my Razer firefly mousepad (hard edition). I cleaned the surface of the firefly and the bottom of the mouse to no avail. I am now using my 5 year old never cleaned chroma on the on the same mousepad with no problems at all. I feel like the dragging is coming from the area around the sensor on the elite as the chroma's sensor is raised from the surface and the elites sensor is flush with the bottom of the mouse. Is the elite mouse not compatible with the hard firefly? I don't see any damage or anything that would cause this dragging feeling.


Thomas Hendren
I don't really think that it's about compatibility as they both function as expected. I'd say that this is more of a hardware limitation since it's more on the physical structure/built of the mouse causing some sort of friction when sliding on the Firefly's surface.
But isn't this mouse and the mousepad designed to go together? I'm going to return this but I am pretty disappointed. I have everything razer and the mouse pad is marketed to go perfectly with razer mice. The fact that these two items clearly don't work together optimally is kind of a scam.