Game devs says Razer products interfere with games working correctly | Razer Insider
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    Ok so Rockstar’s GTA Online suddenly started having errors now the devs say that it is caused by Raser programs preventing the game from working properly. I find this interesting since i removed Razor synapses long ago due to it crashing every time it opens and it just won’t run properly and never has. the only other thing is the mouse and keyboard i have are incompatible with Rockstar games and several other companies from what i’m understanding how do i fix this or is this just a cop out so they don’t have to fix their issues i’ve encountered that a lot. 

Please give a link to someplace that talks about Razer software is causing problems in Rockstar games.
(Note that the spelling is “Razer”, not “Raser” as you misspelled it.)

Regarding  “Razor synapses long ago due to it crashing every time it opens and it just won’t run properly and never has.”  and “the mouse and keyboard i have are incompatible with Rockstar games and several other companies from what i’m understanding”

(Again it is “Razer”, not “Razor”, as you misspelled it this time, and it is “Synapse” , not “synapses” as you misspelled it here)

Since careless spelling is often clue to potential other careless behavior I suspect your problems might be due to a poorly setup system.
You also did not say what models of keyboard and mouse you have or what the incompatibilities might be, or link any discussion or information. 

Without better information and not finding anything after a quick Google search regarding Rockstar Games and GTA with Razer issues, I have to consider this an end-user issue.

If you have some more information, please add that. Thanks 


rofl guess it isn’t a surprise a grammar nazi would be trolling people on here. The information I have access to is after an update from Rockstar games their game would no longer allow me to enter missions with friends. I have used the same mouse and keyboard for over 5 years with no problem with their product or any other product now suddenly the game stopped working properly no longer allowing multiplayer team up in missions. This points to a problem with rockstar’s patch. the point of this thread was an attempt to contact their customer support since they won’t allow for any email contact without some pointless information pertaining to warranty when I want no help fixing the keyboard and mouse they work great. My purpose was to point out to anyone having the problem is that some of the rockstar technical support are making excuses for bad programming by another major company that does as little work as possible but expects all your money for nothing. seems razer is also cursed with such a mentality. sadly, the old way of getting fans and followers of certain companies is out of their mental capabilities of providing an amazing product people love then they flock to your products you produce Razer products oh sorry Rzor products have done that to an extent though their software is questionable.  

Anyway beyond you being an ass the I can’t see a mouse or keyboard suddenly stops programs from functioning without installing any of the additional software they come with now if that is possible then that goes beyond my knowledge of computers. though admittedly I don’t have a lot of knowledge about software beyond you play games. 
