Hard Reset "Broke" My Razer Cynosa Keyboard | Razer Insider
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My keyboard suddenly decided that it didn't want to perform its backlit function anymore, and fiddle-farting with the options proved the keyboard unresponsive to my attempts to restore normal operation, so I followed the hard reset directions involving ESC / CAPS / SPACE while unplugged, holding the keys, and plugging them into the powered PC.

This was a MONUMENTALLY horrible mistake. My desktop computer became bricked because the keyboard stopped producing recognizable output. I can't log in. The computer is 100% inaccessible using that keyboard. It was ALSO inaccessible using my Dell backup keyboard; THAT keyboard was dead, too!

To get online, I had to use a combination of a really crappy HP laptop, slower than a glacial crawl, and a cell phone. I had to change all my passwords on those devices because the NEXT thing I was going to do was back up my passwords on those [new] devices. The PC was off for two days.

I tried the Cynosa again today on the other admin account on that desktop, but it was still dead. I also tried the Dell keyboard again, only to discover that it had LIMITED function; I could not enter data using the following keys: C/c D/d E/e #/3

...which made logging in impossible: computer thusly still bricked.

Please bear with me: I'm getting there: Since the Dell keyboard kinda worked, I went to Walmart and picked up a $12 replacement, which shall be my new backup (It has full function, which I used to again change passwords, for reasons I won't go into). How do I restore function to my Razer Cynosa keyboard?

If you tell me ESC / CAPS / SPACE, I'm throwing that keyboard away and shall NEVER buy another Razer keyboard ever again.