Help! I really messed this up. | Razer Insider
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I use my Tartarus Pro all the time. I play World of Warcraft daily. I had it all set up and used it for years and the day the next expansion drops, my Tartarus gave me a “didn’t synchronize, what do you want to do?” .message.

The choices were connect to the cloud and to my local machine. I didn’t know how it was going to the cloud (forgive me, I’m 67 and a grandma, so….) so I picked local.  And lost every setting I had. Nothing was there.

I’ve managed to get it back mostly. But I cannot for the life of me figure out how I put in “Strafe Left” and “Strafe Right”. I have basic left and right programmed but that turns me and that’s not what I need. 

I also would LOVE to recover the stuff on the cloud but can’t find how to redo that. My first thought was restart my machine so it would reconnect to the internet but that didn’t work. 


So, can someone please tell me 1) How to program strafe into my keypad and 2) how to get back to the cloud if I lose it again. How to back it up. 


thanks, GrannyRubyrose (the panicked.) 

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