Kraken 7.1 V2 Microphone Not Working Properly | Razer Insider
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Basically, my mic is either too loud that it would hurt your ears, or too quiet that you wouldn't understand anything I'd be saying.

As my friend worded it, "it's like a crest and a trough on a wave." Thing is, it's only like this for Discord, Steam, and Windows. On Synapse, the microphone sounds good as new. I can hear myself at a normal volume, even tiny details like my typing and clicking. I've updated, uninstalled, and reinstalled my drivers, messed around with the exclusive control settings and the microphone privacy settings on Windows, and adjusted the settings on Discord and Steam.

My headset actually disconnects a lot, like when I move suddenly (probably something wrong with the cable or the USB port). It's been that way for quite a while now though, but the microphone issue only started around 2 months ago. Never found a fix for it.

My laptop is around 5 years old, and it's kind of slow too. Just adding this in case it could help. Could this be part of the problem, or is there a program/setting interfering with my microphone, or is my microphone really broken? Any help would be appreciated.
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