LedKeeper cant keep my Led's in line. | Razer Insider
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LedKeeper cant keep my Led's in line.

  • 4 July 2019
  • 1 reply

Yep so the basics. LEDkeeper is borked. I have to toggle it on and off every time i start my machine or i get no lighting profiles. Even after I fix it and it works fine say all day.....eventually it will come to a point where is becomes laggy and unresponsive which is usually the point where ill need to restart my machine.....Memory leak anyone? any way this sucks guys. Like how do you take you hardware to shows like CES without embarrassing yourself?

Like guys your supposed to be "For Gamers. By Gamers." this defenetly feels like it was made by a hardcore Gamer alright with no programming experience.

Theres also the issue of your lighting integration with third partys.

Love it when it works BUT also seems to be tied to the Led Keeper issue. here's the catch though. My Thermaltake Riing 120's are able to produce FANTASTIC lighting effects, But as soon as I turn the controles over to Razer and enter the studio to begin creating my ideal look i'm greeted with the most lack luster setting and there are none of the thermaltake animations available....?????

This is abysmal. why are your third partys going to want to partner with you other than for your key switches if you can get your RGB game straight. at almost 100$ canadian and a full set down to my rgb mouse pad costing a little over 400$ I really expect that these product are actually going to work and especially not make the third party stuff i'm allowing it to control to look like crap.

I dunno guys this LedKeeper issue has been relevant for the entire year so far and I don't even see it mentioned any where. You really need to fix this AND the lack of studio options for third party products before you do any more product launches or add new features.......maybe get us out of beta?
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1 Reply

Userlevel 7
The LEDkeeper service is tied to anything that is controlled by MSI's MysticLight. That's something we have no control of. As for the lighting integration for third-party devices, you should expect limited support as they are by definition "third-party" so I don't really get why someone would throw fits at someone that kindly offered an option. We listen and greatly appreciate community feedback but this level of toxicity is a bit much don't you think?

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