mouse dock pro issue | Razer Insider
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mouse dock pro issue

  • 18 November 2023
  • 1 reply


i brought it from a reseller store from shopee.

Bottom of the dock looks like this. I don't know why it look likes this. So, i search for the reviews and the others look like below

Is this the original razer product ? 

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  • 244 replies
  • November 18, 2023

I bought the Mouse Dock Pro from Amazon this past week and the bottom of mine looks exactly like yours, it came in the original packaging and all that jazz. Razer Synapse saw it right away when connected to PC and the Firmware v2.0 update went fine and my Cobra Pro is hooked up to it and all is good working as intended.

The Mouse Dock Pro with the Serial Number being like shown in looking like a barcode (like the older mice got it printed the same way/manner), I would have to probably say the ones shown in reviews/photos are the original release of the product.

Overall I would have to say your Mouse Dock Pro is legit as it looks like mine that came from Amazon, seeing as Amazon has been an Authorized Razer Reseller for quite some time.


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