My razer viper ultimate no carga. | Razer Insider
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Buenas tardes, hablo en español por que es mi idioma nativo. hace unas semanas mi mouse empeso a fallar en la carga, se quedaba sin cargar y aveces cargaba, (lo tube que usar con cable en varias ocaciones por que no tenia bateria) y ahora nisiquiera me carga con el cable directo, a pesar que en la aplicacion de razer marca que esta cargando. Ya lo limpie con una botella de aire comprimido y limpie con alcohol 70%. tengo el mouse hace casi un año. Siempre lo cuide, nunca tubo niguna caida. Empeso a pasar de la nada, por favor ayudenme, ya que, me encanta el mouse y no quisiera tener que cambiarlo. Muchas gracias.


Good afternoon, I speak to you in Spanish because it is my native language. A few weeks ago my mouse began to fail to charge, it was left without charging and sometimes it charged, (I had to use it with cable on several occasions because I had no battery) and now it does not even charge me with the direct cable, although in the razer app brand that is loading. I already clean it with a compressed air bottle and clean with 70% alcohol. I've had the mouse for almost a year. Always take care of him, he never had a fall. It started to happen out of nowhere, please help me, because, I love the mouse and I don't want to have to change it. Thank you
Thanks for sharing all that you've done so far. In this case, we may need to update the firmware of your mouse. Send me its serial number so I can verify the model and give you the download link. Let's go from there.

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