Nari Ultimate Audio Problem | Razer Insider
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I just recently got my Nari Ultimate, and now when I plug in the Bluetooth connector to my PS4 or PC I only get aufio in my right ear, the left ear has no audio at all. I have completely charged my headset, gone through settings in synapse, gone through my computer settings and nothing gets it to work. It does give me audio on PS4 when I use the cable plugging into the controller but no audio when I plug the cable into my PC.
Hey there! I appreciate that you've posted your Razer Nari Ultimate on our Support board. I find it odd that the headset works fine when it is connected to your PS4 via cable but not on your PC. Have you recently updated your Razer Synapse 3.0 and headset? Should the issue persists, please send me a PM together with your device serial number. Let's continue from there.