New Razer Blackwidow v4 typing repeating issue | Razer Insider
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New Razer Blackwidow v4 typing repeating issue

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  • April 5, 2024

I contacted support here in US and:

  1. Support changes once a day a representative to whom you talk. 1Reply - new rep.
  2. First, I was promised a replacement keyboard (75% PRO version) by one rep, then the other rep refused to honor it, “strongly recommended” to replace orange switches, which they claim they sent to me.
  3. I am using my old 5 years Blackwidow Elite keyboard now which has 0 issues with switches.

My takeaways - whoever was responsible for release and quality control of 75% Blackwidow lineup - did very bad job. This made me forget about Razer forever and I will be talking shit about it all day long to all people I know.

They think that you replace switch and will work? This is a joke. Well, probably someone got a cash bonus for delivering this product and then they left the company.

P.S. Dont waste time on “fixing” this, there is not fix. If you can -refund, or sell before this piece of garbage will cause you financial and emotional damage.


I will join the chorus of people that have reported a key chatter issue with their Razer Blackwidow v4 keyboard (in my case, a Pro full sized keyboard).

I’ve had Razer replace the keyyboard no fewer than three separate times. The last time, I was promised “white glove” treatment where a keyboard would be taken out and pre-tested before being sent to me. This was not done, the keyboard sent to me was in a factory-sealed package and untested. It failed within two weeks with the “y” key repeating more and more frequently.

To say that I am disgusted by the bad faith, stick-to-the-script-at-all-cost answers and repeatedly forcing me to pay to package a defective keyboard, only to send me another defective keyboard, is a gross understatement at this point. I’m demanding a refund and if I don’t get it, a credit card chargeback and a social media campaign is in order. This entire line of keyboards is obviously defective and Razer will not acknowledge or do anything about it. They promise action in bad faith, escalate and de-escalate customer service at random, and refuse to answer questions or conduct anyy necessary testing.

(Yes, I’ve done all the troubleshooting steps all four times, including cleaning the switches directly. Nothing helps: Once the chattering starts, the keyboard is permanently broken. Even Razer themselves tested my last one and acknowledged this).

Support was contacted in the U.S. for all three replacements.

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  • 5 replies
  • April 25, 2024
VioletBluebasefresh322 wrote:

I will join the chorus of people that have reported a key chatter issue with their Razer Blackwidow v4 keyboard (in my case, a Pro full sized keyboard).

I’ve had Razer replace the keyyboard no fewer than three separate times. The last time, I was promised “white glove” treatment where a keyboard would be taken out and pre-tested before being sent to me. This was not done, the keyboard sent to me was in a factory-sealed package and untested. It failed within two weeks with the “y” key repeating more and more frequently.

To say that I am disgusted by the bad faith, stick-to-the-script-at-all-cost answers and repeatedly forcing me to pay to package a defective keyboard, only to send me another defective keyboard, is a gross understatement at this point. I’m demanding a refund and if I don’t get it, a credit card chargeback and a social media campaign is in order. This entire line of keyboards is obviously defective and Razer will not acknowledge or do anything about it. They promise action in bad faith, escalate and de-escalate customer service at random, and refuse to answer questions or conduct anyy necessary testing.

(Yes, I’ve done all the troubleshooting steps all four times, including cleaning the switches directly. Nothing helps: Once the chattering starts, the keyboard is permanently broken. Even Razer themselves tested my last one and acknowledged this).

Support was contacted in the U.S. for all three replacements.

I was refused refund. So I went ahead and ordered 90 pieces Akko blue cream switches to install them on my faulty keyboard. It seems the ROOT ISSUE is in the switches. But overall build of the keyboard is good. So if those switches won’t make me happy… I will do nothing.

P.S. Razer used to be publicly traded company, now they went back to private. Bad sign overall. Very sad that they have stupid management who lacks quality control on their products.

  • Insider Mini
  • 6 replies
  • April 27, 2024

My replacement Blackwidow v4 pro just  started repeating  the same “a” and “h” keys as the  first one.  Ive had  the replacement maybe  3 weeks. 


I wish I’d seen this thread before buying a Blackwidow V4 X


On my 3 month old keyboard (Feb 17th) I’m getting a nice mix of doubling keys (s in particular is rough) and keys that are intermittently non-responsive (“a” being the most frequently noticed). I’ve gone through the troubleshooting steps that I can (there is no firmware update for the V4 X) and nothing seems to work. And with this thread I’m starting to believe an RMA isn’t going to be much help...

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  • April 29, 2024

After my last post the “s” started repeating in addition to the “h” and “a”. Razer just approved another RMA so we will see if the third time is the charm. 


At last some good news. After three different RMAs and four different keyboards (Blackwidow v4 Pro, green switches), I filed for a chargeback on my Amazon Prime credit card and it was approved in one week. I had all the receipts, all the transcripts of my cases with Razer, and I gave the credit card company the entire stack of evidence as soon as I opened the dispute.

Razer refused to refund me one day before the dispute was ruled in my favor. Irony!

It’s not an action you should take lightly, but chargebacks work. If they’re going to keep sending you a defective product and you bought with a credit card (many of which have their own extended warranties), chargeback. Enough chargebacks, and the credit card company’s going to give Razer the sideeye. Maybe then they’ll take some action with this keyboard line instead of stonewalling us with offshored customer service and AI chatbots running off scripts.

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  • 6 replies
  • May 1, 2024

If this 3rd keyboard fails, im going for a refund, enough already


BlackWidowo V4 Pro. I wanted to buy a cool keyboard for my newe PC. Turns out my first Razer keyboard will likely be my last. And yes, for me, the double type sometimese happens delayed, so instead of aab I get aba.

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  • May 2, 2024

I just bought a black widow v4 a few houurs ago and my u key is repeating like a mf. I update the firmware, set the polling rate to 1000, nothing worked. Wish I saw this thread before i spent all this money on a damn keyboard. So the general consensus is we’re screwed? It seems like everyone is stuck in this loop of getting replacements just to have other keys repeating. 

I should have known better.

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  • May 6, 2024

Today I swapped orange faulty switches with new AKKO blue cream ones. So far no issues detected.

It costed me ~ $25

They feel even better than oranges to me (also Tactile). Hope this helps someone as the keyboard itself is very good except switches.


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  • 3 replies
  • May 9, 2024

glad I am not the only one.  have the Razer Blackwidow V4 Pro with Orange Swiitches. Not sure what we can do I I have the same issue with my “I” and “a” rma doesnt appear to work. need to know iif replacing the switches or even reseating the switches will help. 

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  • May 9, 2024
Amishtech wrote:

glad I am not the only one.  have the Razer Blackwidow V4 Pro with Orange Swiitches. Not sure what we can do I I have the same issue with my “I” and “a” rma doesnt appear to work. need to know iif replacing the switches or even reseating the switches will help. 

well crap my switches re not hot swappable, so then how could they go bad iif they secured in place. i guess  i will start and RMA which unsure that will help or wiill just move the iissue to another set of keys. 

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  • May 9, 2024

They were supposed to send me my second replacement (blackwidow v4 pro) within 3 days of receiving the defective one. Its been just over a week and nothing.

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  • May 12, 2024

took me 3 days but got an RMA started with replacement. for the V4 Pro since it is not hot swappable. unsure what is faiiling. suspect its the contacts as someone else stated. but how if they are soldered iin place go bad. seems very odd iindeed but for a keyboard that cost $250 US I hope they figure it out.

i just bought this v4 pro a couple months ago and it sttarted doing double keys recentlly and sometimes doesnt register a key. POS peripherals. most of my razer components have had issues like this that you cannot fix whhatsoever. specifically thhe most expensive ones. had a nari ultimate headsett tthat wouldnt chargge att alll. lmao and i promise i am not exaggerating the issue in my post. never ever aggain will i recommend or buy razer products. actually will recommend against them publicly on twitch and youtube since they are gettting over on so many people with this overpriced garbo

I got my v4 less than an hour ago and am already having key repeat issues.


Seems fine on normal text typing (for now) but when trying to llog (there’s a double l) into my work vpn, the number keys were going crazy.  Already turned down the sensitivity.  


This might be going straight back to the retailer.

  • Insider Mini
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  • May 18, 2024

I am having this issue with my Razer Huntsman V3 Pro. It is only doing it when I have synapse active on my PC. If I close all razer apps it stops doing it. 

The only key that is doing it is the “h” key and man is it annoying. 

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  • May 20, 2024

This last replacement (2nd one) shipped from China. I’m hoping this means it is from a new batch. Its only been a week so too soon to tell. (Blackwidow V4 Pro)

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  • 22 replies
  • May 21, 2024

Found out today Razer has a firmware update for RZ03-0468x.  Just installed it and so far, so good.  Strange thing is the duplicate and missing keystrokes were very inconsistent.  I don’t know if this is a solution or not.  I typed this response with no duplicate or missing keystrokes, so maybe.

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  • 22 replies
  • May 24, 2024
ZAP_ME wrote:

Found out today Razer has a firmware update for RZ03-0468x.  Just installed it and so far, so good.  Strange thing is the duplicate and missing keystrokes were very inconsistent.  I don’t know if this is a solution or not.  I typed this response with no duplicate or missing keystrokes, so maybe.

The firmwaree update might have helped but still isn’t perfct.  Seems to mostly be hit or miss on the e key for me.  Sometimes, the letters even show up out of order.  Not sure if the firmware from January 2024 really helped or I just hope it did.

  • Insider Mini
  • 6 replies
  • May 24, 2024
ZAP_ME wrote:
ZAP_ME wrote:

Found out today Razer has a firmware update for RZ03-0468x.  Just installed it and so far, so good.  Strange thing is the duplicate and missing keystrokes were very inconsistent.  I don’t know if this is a solution or not.  I typed this response with no duplicate or missing keystrokes, so maybe.

The firmwaree update might have helped but still isn’t perfct.  Seems to mostly be hit or miss on the e key for me.  Sometimes, the letters even show up out of order.  Not sure if the firmware from January 2024 really helped or I just hope it did.

My first 2 keyboards failed before and after that firmware update so it made no difference. This 3rd replacement shipped from China with the update already installed. It is still working after 11 days. Still early so we shall see.

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  • May 29, 2024
Arsenik1001 wrote:

Update: Saw some videos that sometimes residue get stuck in fabrication and can be clean with Isopropyl Alcoohol 99%. . I oordered some and will let you guys know if that helps.

So I cleaned the switches with 99% Isopropyl Alcoohol and it solved (for now) my problem. 

1-unplugged the keyboard.

2-Remove keys.

3-Don’t be shy with the 99% Isopropyl Alcoohol.

4- Let it dry 15-20 min.

Source I found:


Hope it will help someone with the same problem.😉


I just did that on a brand new V4 pro with a key that was double typing 99% of the time - it fixed it, and until now, it stayed fixed. So thanks for the hint! Since then I did this to every key that started misbehaving, and all are good now. 


I bought the v4 pro in the states while there on holiday as I live in South Africa…. been with Razer for 6 years now and for their flagship device, having this issue is shockingly bad. 

Tried all the above fixes and as returning it isn’t an option for me, and despite wasting hours with their useless and under skilled support team, I will have to swallow the $230 wasted on this piece of plastic garbage and go to a different brand.

The fact that this issue happens in a new machine with no Synapse installed, shows its a hardware issue.

How can you be a leader in peripherals but fail at such a simple use case.

That it is happening to so many owners of the keyboard, shows a very low level of testing and quality control by Razer


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  • June 13, 2024

 I posted in here a while ago, and I recently replaced the razer orange switches for halo trues. I’ve had no issues since and am able to use the keyboard. Its a shame that the switches are so faulty cause I really liked the feel. For anyone wondering the halo trues are noticeably heavier than the orange switches. Its heavier than I would like it to be but I'd take this over the double typing any day. Some people in this thread have said good things about the AKKO V3 cream blues so I might give those a try in the future. But it really is pathetic that it’s pretty much a necessity to buy a whole new set of switches to even be able to use the keyboard properly. And even more pathetic that Razer has shown absolutely 0 effort to resolve this issue.


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