Problem with "2-step authentication" and "backup codes". | Razer Insider
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How do I change my phone number in login settings? Unfortunately I lost the number and would like to change it to my new number.



The problem, however, is that "2-step authentication" appears to be enabled on the lost phone number, which is the old one I lost! 



In addition, I don't remember ever activating "2-step authentication" so I don't remember the “backup codes” either.
or that I received an email, etc. to confirm it.




I can't even make a purchase. 

The whole thing is so disturbing and annoying.


that I can't even make "Razer Gold" or various purchases. Other activities are also blocked.


Could anyone help me, please.
I don't want my previous purchases to be a waste.




!!  🙏🏼  please help me, please  🙏🏼  !!



With friendly greetings




I lost access to the old phone number associated with my Razer ID 2 step authentication.
