Razer 2018 CMOS battery/motherboard issue? | Razer Insider

Razer 2018 CMOS battery/motherboard issue?

  • 20 April 2024
  • 0 replies



I have Razer 15 2018 model, RZ09-02705. It has started booting multiple times on startup, it does it around 4 times and after that it reaches windows and works normally expect it does not keep date or time up to date. Computers arent my field, but I figured it could be an issue with the CMOS-battery and took it a to a local company for changing. They were however unable to change it because the CMOS-battery it required wasnt available even from their wholesaler. They were also suspicious of a CMOS-battery dying in a 6 year old computer. 

Has anyone had this issue, or success in fixing it by changing the CMOS-battery? Where can I get the correct battery type and a new battery for that matter since it doesnt seem to be available here in Finland.

Kind Regards Mikko

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