S/N BY2226M87802338
Initial issue, device not recognizing external monitor via usb-c out. Off both device or dock.
Current issue: Device no longer turns ln
Potential culprit, the Nvidia driver update pushed 12/12.
Windows had disabled the onboard 3080ti, suggested rolling back drivers.
Drivers rolling back appeared to have no effect.
Device did not have a lot stored locally, pursued factory reset.
Upon resetup of device, device manager sitll showed the 3080ti disabled due to Code 43 Windows. No true issue of course.
Manually pushed correct driver from Nvidia site. Was prompted to restart the device. In addition, I chose "use dedicated GPU" in Synapse (I have also read that thread as it appears to be the same end result).
After restart, device is now black screen.
External monitor plugged in via HDMI has no signal.

Device may benefit from RMA if possible.
I'd prefer not to be the one to take it apart if necessary!