Razer Blade 15 2019 base model frequent stuttering in almost all games. | Razer Insider
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The laptop comes with a GTX 1660ti and also an intel integrated graphics card. This issue must have been reccuring for around a year now and I still can't figure out how to fix it. I have tried looking up tutorials and copying text files to fix ingame settings, tinkered with the nvidea control panel, and even disables the intel graphics card so the computer would know to only use the GTX. Still nothing has worked and I don't know what can be done. The games are all fairly old like overwatch 1 and final fantasy XVII. Anyone have any idea what the issue is?
Can you define stuttering? Does it happen all the time, or randomly during gaming? Could another process be running which could be causing the stuttering (like anti-virus, or some sort of update)?
Can you define stuttering? Does it happen all the time, or randomly during gaming? Could another process be running which could be causing the stuttering (like anti-virus, or some sort of update)?

The stuttering is persistant framedrop happening frequently games. Streaming and watching youtube is fine with no issue at all. The only antivirus are the defaults that came with my computer. Something that had helped in the past was disabling the Intel graphics card in device manager, but the stuttering started happening again for almost a year now. I can't even play Call of Duty without it crashing after a few minutes.
As I am sure you are aware, there are so many things that could cause the FPS to drop, and I am sure you have tried a lot of the solutions found online. The GTX 1660 is still a decent card, so I am sure you have a decent PC too. The only thing I could suggest is to wipe and reload your system - it's not that big of a task, just annoying to re-install everything. Razer do system restore images for recent laptops, otherwise, you could just get a Windows 10/11 restore image from Microsoft and re-install yourself. If you are going to do this, before you restore Windows, reset your BIOS settings back to default settings.

Hopefully, someone else on here may have an idea you haven't tried yet as well that may solve your issue and is less destructive!
As I am sure you are aware, there are so many things that could cause the FPS to drop, and I am sure you have tried a lot of the solutions found online. The GTX 1660 is still a decent card, so I am sure you have a decent PC too. The only thing I could suggest is to wipe and reload your system - it's not that big of a task, just annoying to re-install everything. Razer do system restore images for recent laptops, otherwise, you could just get a Windows 10/11 restore image from Microsoft and re-install yourself. If you are going to do this, before you restore Windows, reset your BIOS settings back to default settings.

Hopefully, someone else on here may have an idea you haven't tried yet as well that may solve your issue and is less destructive!

I have not tried this, I will give an update after I attemt this
One more thing! Do you have anything external plugged in? I have an HDMI monitor and the Razer TB4 dock with another Display Port monitor plugged into that. I recently noticed stuttering in Overwatch 2 with both monitors plugged in. I removed the TB4 dock, leaving in just the HDMI 4K monitor (and the laptop screen of course), and the stuttering went away (well, so far it has). I also have a Razer keyboard and mouse plugged into standard USB ports on the laptop, but nothing else. Maybe worth a shot to unplug anything extra you may have, and just use HDMI (if you have it) over anything else before you wipe it.
