I've had a Razer Blade 15 2021 adv RZ09-0367 for two years now. Most of the time it worked fine. Until it didn't. A few months ago I started getting BSODs with the WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR. Over time, the error became more and more frequent, until it always happened right after boot and login. Sometimes the system would reboot into the BIOS. To get it to boot into Windows, I had to shut it down completely (press the power button for a few seconds). When the system crashed, the event viewer logged a critical error with source kernel power. I've always run my laptop on the original power adapter and connected a second monitor via the USB-C port.
What little I could find on the internet about the WHEA UNCORRECTABLE ERROR was that it usually refers to a hardware error. After a few obvious checks (RAM, hard disk, etc.) that didn't point to a faulty component, I reinstalled Windows. This did the trick: the system ran smoothly for two weeks without any BSODs! The only other change I made was to connect the second monitor via HDMI.
However, yesterday I connected the Razer Thunderbolt 4 Dock Chroma to my laptop and after 30 minutes it crashed again with WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR (I haven't used the dock yet, I bought it a few days ago). To undo the changes associated with installing the Dock (including Synapse 3, which needed a couple of re-installations and updates to even recognise the Dock), I used a system restore point. Now the system seems to be working fine again (no BSODs so far).
I'm not a hardware person, but my guess is that there is indeed a hardware failure related to the power supply or the USB-C/Thunderbolt ports. I'd like to get this fixed, obviously, as I'm constantly worried about my system crashing and I'm not prepared to accept that this expensive laptop is just a bunch of e-waste after only two years. So I'd really appreciate any ideas or suggestions!