Hi, there!
I have the Razerblade 15 2021(4K OLED Touch). * Razer Blade 15” Advanced (2021) | RZ09-0409C
My laptop hasn't been working on the touchscreen since some time ago.
I know that there are several people here who are experiencing the problems my laptop has.
In my case, the laptop device manager does not recognize the HID-Compliant Touch Screen and in system.
In Device Manager, only 'unknown USB device (device descriptor request failed)' is displayed and a yellow exclamation point is displayed.
That's why the 'How to fix touchscreen issues on a Razer Blade system' posted by Razer Support is useless to me. (https://mysupport.razer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2009/~/how-to-fix-touchscreen-issues-on-a-razer-blade-system?_ga=2.15899382.1531507594.1703899895-341324684.1703899893&_gl=1*3smxc4*_ga*MzQxMzI0Njg0LjE3MDM4OTk4OTM.*_ga_3TRK53PM75*MTcwMzk0MDE4MC4yLjEuMTcwMzk0MTA4MS42MC4wLjA.)
I tried to find the touch screen driver, but Razer support's Drivers & Downloads page only provides bios updates and no device-specific drivers. Even that is January 2022 as the final update.
I tried Windows update for update driver. But it was useless.
I also tried to update driver at device manager, it was also useless.
I also tried factory reset at least three times. But it was useless.
Therefore, I need a driver that also works on Win11.
Do anyone can help me?