RAZER BLADE 15 Advanced (Early 2021) x0368 Charging Issues! (Re-Post) | Razer Insider
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Same issue here with an Early 2021 Blade 15 Advanced QHD x0368.


I contacted Support and they ask all this battery log information and laptop data but never suggest a proper fix. I also think they are clearly avoiding admitting to this issue. They should consider putting a team together and fixing these issues. Future buyers beware! All of the other cases noted above and in other threads have yet to be formally addressed by someone with authority at RAZER.


@Razer Admin When will we receive a helpful response from the Razer organization? Many thousands spent by consumers here for bricked laptops. Thought we would find help from the manufacturer in this thread?.. 


Also the 100W USBC Charger is not a real fix when this laptop demands the 230w to function at its full potential. 


If I wanted a basic laptop I would have spent less on something else.


We need real results from your research team and we have needed it for years now…




Where’s the response? Where’s the fix?






Encountering the same issue with my 0367 Blade 15 advanced early 2021. If I plug USB-C power in as well as the AC adapter, it will stay in Turbo mode. Otherwise, it acts like it’s on battery -- unless I pull the power cable and let it run down to 20%, then plug it back in. During the time it recharges the battery, it will stay in Turbo mode. Once 100% complete, it will drop back to slow mode.

I have spent a lot of time reviewing these issues via Forums, Reddit, and YouTube... And I assume we are not consumers who physically damage our $3,000 laptops... So there has to be an issue that Razer is ignoring. I would guess there would be a massive recall.

I haven't even said anything about the swollen batteries issue that I came across... I suspect that my laptop will never have a swollen battery considering it doesn't charge. 


So 3 things come to mind:

1. Some handshake issue with the charge adapter and the laptop

2. Software updates that are not compatible with the laptop (Synapse or Microsoft)

3. Hardware issue and Quality Control. 


Again, I wonder how @Razer Admin has not yet responded to any of these issues. 

I sent them a direct message as well. 


CLASS ACTION should be next.


How are they allowed to sell more laptops and continue to scam others.

I solved the problem for my unit by opening the laptop, removing the heat sink, cleaning then reapplying the thermal paste to the CPU and graphics chips. I realize this may be a non trivial repair for some. 

i stumbled across the solution while reading a post on tomshardware—someone was using the Throttlestop utility program to try and diagnose their issues. I loaded up throttlestop and noted that my unit was throwing heat errors in the limit window. 

Anyway, there are YouTube videos showing how to do this yourself, and thermal paste is just a few dollars from Amazon. But be careful, it’s easy to wreck a machine. 


Thanks for the fix note.


I was quoted $2000 to replace a battery and replace the Motherboard.

Are you are saying just some thermal paste will fix the issue?


I believe I have the same issue, 2021 blade 15 advanced, 3070 QHD. I have babied this laptop since I got it new.


Recently, my three prong power port went down. Initial plug in, the laptop recognizes it. As soon as it begins to ramp up the draw, it fails. Tries again, fails. 


In a quiet room, I can put my ear to the keyboard and hear a buzzing sound coming from the port. I believe there is a bad solder at the port to the MB. Pins are undamaged. 


I want to have someone look at it but don't know where to go, as this laptop was f****in expensive.  As others have mentioned, a USB-c charger is not an adequate solution. 


Has anyone come up with a diagnosis? If I do have mine looked at, I will update on my findings. I am not ready to give up on this thing even though RAZER is. 
