Razer blade 15 advanced using GPU 0 instead of 1 for beat saber | Razer Insider
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Hi! I found this thread on reddit and i seem to have the same problem. I am trying to run beat saber on my oculus rift s using the dedicated graphics card rtx 2060 but i am still getting lag and fps drops.

I have set the default to my high performance processor both in nvdia 3d graphics settings, as well as global settings. But when i run beat saber and checked on the task manager, it still indicates its using the GPU 0 (intel processor) at 100% and only 50 % for the nvdia videocard (GPU1) Thus my computer is over heating quickly and i am still getting fps drops even though the video card should be more than sufficient to run beat saber.

My serial number is BY2002A72602940

Razer blade 15 advanced 2019 base