Razer Blade Pro 2019 (fall) rtx2080mq GPU Cycle on and off problem | Razer Insider
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First time poster, all of this happened once I plugged in a second monitor, used it for a while, unplugged the monitor and restarted the laptop.

Excessive battery drain caused by GPU switching off, idle,on and repeats. I used NvOptimusTestViewer64 to confirm as GPU activity on Nvidia toolbar does not show the switching.

I have done the following:

clean reinstall using DDU of Nvidia display drivers, used drivers from Nvidia and also Razer support- no changes

Reinstall Intel GPU drivers- no changes

update all drivers from Razer Support for laptop- no changes

I ended up disabling "intel pcie controller x16 1901" and then restarted my computer and enable it. This worked for me. Once I restart again, it goes back to cycling on and off so I have to repeat this step.

I did a clean install of windows 10 pro and this worked also but when I use a secondary monitor it once again start to cycle and I need to redo this.

I am using HWiNFO64 to confirm battery drain. Ive attached a couple pictures,

Please help, very frustrating.
Has anyone else run into this issue ?