Razer Cortex is launching games through notepad | Razer Insider

Razer Cortex is launching games through notepad

  • 23 March 2021
  • 4 replies

Hello everyone, I'm having a frustrating issue with Razer Cortex. Somehow I screwed up the game boosting feature. A window popped up only once asking me what program I want to use to open games in game booster. I accidentally clicked notepad...yeah I know. Now every time I try to use game booster, instead of launching the game normally, (example: Hitman 3)Cortex opens notepad. This is what it says on notepad:


I can't find a setting anywhere that would fix this issue. Now every game on my desktop that Cortex recognizes has there icon changed to notepad. Instead of .exe at the end of my games shortcut, it says .url.

I'm at a loss here. I've uninstalled and reinstalled but the pop up that changed all this doesn't show up when I reinstall. Do I need to use regedit possibly? Any help will be much appreciated. This is my first post on here, I hope this community is as good as they say.

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4 Replies

Hey there!

Thank you very much for sharing your concern here. My name is Michelle from the Razer Cortex Technical Support Team. I will be your technical companion for today.

Regarding your issue, could you please go to the 'Control Panel'>'Programs'>' Default Programs' >' Associate a file type or protocol with a program '>'.URL', and change the default app to be 'Internet Browser'?

We assume that this issue was caused by the loss of the installation information of these gaming clients on your PC after investigation. To avoid such issues occurring again, please reinstall the gaming platforms such as Steam, Epic, or other gaming clients you installed on your PC.

Please feel free to let us know if you need further assistance.

We'll be looking forward to your reply soon.

Best regards,
Michelle Chang
Razer Cortex Team
No, thank you for responding so quickly. I'm sorry but I don't quite get what you're telling me to do. I should have mentioned this but I have windows 10 64 bit. When I go to "choose default apps by protocol" I don't know what to do. Theres a massive list of apps, most of them have url: in front of them. Even apps such as the calculator have url: in front. Is there no other way but to reinstall battlenet, steam, epic, etc.? If you need more information about my setup or if you need anything please tell me. The games work, its just the desktop icons that have been changed to .url yet open in notepad. What about Razer Cortex? Can't I just change the setting back to normal from there since thats definitely what caused this issue in the first place?
It looks like your solution worked. I didn't reinstall anything, I hope reinstalling isn't necessary to solve the problem permanently. Thank you.
Hey there! That is great! Please feel free to let us know if you need further assistance. Michelle