Razer Cortex Power Plan | Razer Insider

Razer Cortex Power Plan

  • 13 December 2020
  • 1 reply


How can I stop Razer Cortex from changing my own power plan I want to use to Razer Cortex Power Plan every time I start a game?

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1 Reply

Hey there,

Thank you for posting Cortex's issue here. I'm Michelle from Razer Cortex technical support. I will be happy to assist you with your issue.

After investigating this issue, we found that this issue happened when users shut down their computers before they exit their game and close Cortex.

Normally, when we start a game from Cortex, there will be an animation notification at the right bottom showing RAM released and items optimized. Also, when we exit our game, there will be a restoring animation notification at the same position showing the restored items. Then, all items including our system power plan will be restored.

Here could you let us know whether you shut down your PC before you exit your game? or did you see this restore animation when you exit your game?

There may be other cases that cause this issue. For example, when we end our game or Cortex process in Task Manager, items may not be restored.

Regarding this issue, we suggest you reset your system power plan first. Then, if you want to use the Cortex game power solutions, please select the item 'Enable game power solutions' in Boost which is marked in the below screenshot. If you do not need it, please disable this function in Cortex Boost.

We will be looking forward to your reply soon. Please PM us the Cortex logs if this issue persists after trying. I will PM you a guide on how to collect and upload Cortex logs if you need my assistance.

Take care and have a great day!

Your Technical Buddy,
Michelle Chang
Razer Cortex Support Team