Same mouse and exact same issue. Well, it seems the same at least. My mouse turns off as well, then it usually turns on, but sometimes (rarely) it doesn’t, and you have plug it off the usb and plug it in again.
I’ve had many mouses from many different brands, but never had such an issue before. I mean I had issues with broken cables and so on but this seems like a software (or a controller?) issue to me. Because if a cable is broken (mechanically broken at least, cuz I never had any other issues) mouse would turn off on fast/sudden movements, and I always could make sure it’s a cable issue by bending it. Not in this case though. It turns off in total random times, I can be browsing the web barely moving it and it will turn off. Worst thing is that there is no pattern (at least I can’t figure it out). So I can’t even make it switch off on purpose, thus I seriously doubt any PC service would take it in for repairs, since they don’t really like to deal with intermittent problems.
I’ll leave ny S/N just incase: PM1229H14409352
Mine is now sitting on the shelf and have purchased a Logitech G502X Plus wireless… problem solved.
Yeah, love this mouse. Never had g502x in particular but I had most of logitech mouses of this design since MX500. mx500/mx510/G500/G400s/g402. Great mouse, and perfect for my hand as well. But I loved this deathadders form too, which is why I wouldn’t want to throw it in a trash bin, wouldn’t have much choice if it is a controller issue though :/