Razer Kiyo made a noise and stopped working mid-use | Razer Insider

Razer Kiyo made a noise and stopped working mid-use

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This has just happened to me too in the middle of a work meeting. Really disappointed after spending £55 on a camera - thought I could trust a brand like Razer but I guess not ..

Literally just happened to me during a video interview. Not exactly an ideal situation.

Damn I should have found this thread earlier. Mine died within 12hours of purchase.

The same here. I already updated to the last Firmware version without success. Last Razer product for sure, it looks like planned obsolescence.

Mine died yesterday, tried it on multiple usb ports and devices, same thing everywhere :/ Still no solution anywhere. Definitely feels programmed as I think it’s 2021/22 series… Shame.

I have the exact same problem.

First it stopped working about 20 minutes into my video call. Then it was 15…. 10… Now it happens the moment I open an app that runs it. The light halo starts flickering and device stops running, it disappears from the device manager. but the light remains on.  

I’ve had mine for 4 months. Stopped mid-way through a call with the same sounds as experienced by others. I’m sure the excellent customer service that told me to buy a replacement part from China on eBay for my headphones will be quick to assist with the same quality service. 😂

I read someone got a replacement since her cam was still in warranty. You should try to do the same. 

I can be added to the list, it happened to me just before a Pro appointment ...

I didn’t see a flashing but otherwise the exact same sound and it’s now black

This just happened to me last week. Tried it with multiple computers but I am out of warranty so no luck. I won’t be buying any streaming stuff from Razer again.
