Razer Kiyo Pro Firmware Update - Contact Support | Razer Insider
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Razer Kiyo Pro Firmware Update - Contact Support

Hi guys, as many of You i have read on this forum and reddit, I cant update the firmware on my almost brand-new Razer Kiyo Pro. It came with a software version and i cant update it to newest or any that i found online. Im so disappointed, great camera but it is not working properly in windows 11, read online that FW update solves issues. Tried with few PCs and different OSes - Vista, 7 both 32bit and 64bit, 8, 10, 11.  I tried eveything that i could. Please help me, this is brand new camera (has like 2-3 weeks) and razer site tells me that warranty on this cam is over(!). Thanks for help. have a great day!

21 Replies

I am experiencing the same thing.  We aren’t the only ones.

I was able to update my cam but I have the same issue with the warranty. A brand new camera and the warranty is already over… ??

Userlevel 2

I am experiencing the same thing.  We aren’t the only ones.

Yeah I have read about it but there is no other solution as “RMA it”, but i cant even talk to Razer Support because “warranty is over”. 

Same, their tech team released firmware for hardware that apparently doesn’t exist. Two weeks of back-and-forth with tech supports just concludes with “you’re out of warranty” for a device that’s less than 2 years old.

Userlevel 2

Is there any way I can contact their support directly? Thought that maybe they will reply here at topic but i guess they’re silent :”)

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Guys @Razer.Speedcr0ss or @Razer.Zionzedd could you help here?

Userlevel 2

Guys @Razer.Speedcr0ss or @Razer.Zionzedd could you help here?

I wish someone just to contact me and anyone who has problems with this camera, this is so so bad. I have every piece of hardware from razer and never had such issues. 


I also cannot update my Kiyo Pro camera to the most recent firmware. I'm currently running on ver. There are multiple forum threads and users having the similar issue, yet there's no clear solution still.



I hope you can help us all out here. Thank you!

Same issue here.. and firmware update software does not proceed further.


I’m also having a problem updating to the newest firmware. Solution? 



Same issue. Can’t update firmware. When I try to contact support I get a message that my year warranty has expired. Really bad support.

Fam @Razer.Speedcr0ss or @Razer.Zionzedd could you help here?

Same issue as well. Stuck on firmware - unable to update

Not to get your hopes down but after a dozen emails with support I decided to throw it away.  I won’t buy another Razer product.    Good luck.  

Have the same problem. So basically, Razer sells a malfunctioning product and didn't do anything about it. This camera stops working randomly.

April 25, 2024 Same issue. Decided to try to update from 1.03.2 to the newest firmware, and go contact Support message. Support is unavailable for my device due to being out of warranty? Found a webpage that had archived firmware and tried 1.04 and 1.05 to no avail. I have multiple Razer products and always seem to have issues like this. This is unacceptable in this day and age, and it doesn’t even appear they care to monitor their own forums to offer solutions.  Guess it's time to retire all my Razer products and buy that Polycom camera and the Corsair keyboard I wanted. Customer support, or lack there will be this company's fall. I’ll eat my words if they respond with a solution….

Same issue here. Out of warranty, so can’t “Contact technical support.”


One more frustrated customer looking for a solution to this.

Same here. How can I update the firmware?

There is nobody to contact to either. If you are reading this potential Razer Buyer/Customer. DON”T buy Razer products. Customer service doesn’t exist.


Same here, cannot update from to

