Razer Mouse | Razer Insider

Razer Mouse

Tate Bayless

1301 S College St,

Mountain Home, AR 72653

April 8 2021,


9 Pasteur, Suite 100 Irvine,

CA 92618 USA

Dear Razer™️:

Hope you are doing well. I’m Tate Bayless and I recently bought one of your mouse's called the razer DeathAdder v2 and I have a issue.

Whenever I play a click based game I notice for some reason when I click I can only get up to ten CPS which was fine until I used a different mouse and I got twenty cps that’s a two times difference on a mouse almost five times less the value for this reason I’m thinking about not buying razer mouse's anymore.

I hope that you will fix this if it is some type of error with the mouse.


Tate Bayless

Tate Bayles

Middle School Student.

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