Razer Nari Ultimates | Razer Insider
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So love the head set don't want to get a new one especially after paying way to much for this product while I was in Norway. but long story short this volume issue I am having is hands down the most frustrating thing possible. the volume mixer between game and chat frequently does not allow me to adjust the game volume it just sits on full blast and chat comes in very low. I have done all I could to fix it messed with discord setting, windows setting, read the owners manual, searched reddit, support pages, and even YouTube. No dice so bascially last shot I can think of to fix this is ask on here hope someone answers.
That's a bummer. What workarounds have you done so far in an attempt to fix the issue? Please send me the serial number of your device via PM. I can use it to verify its model and look into other possible solutions. Let's continue our conversation from there.

I'll lock this thread now.