razer ornata v3 x keyboard issue | Razer Insider

razer ornata v3 x keyboard issue

  • 12 August 2023
  • 2 replies

I am unable to use the key L when i use AWSD and shift on Fifa.


Any fixes?It was fine before but now it isnt.


I can't even return it to the shop i got it from saying i was the one to destroy it(i didnt).


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2 Replies

Me too i cant type the letter a my esc, caps and my ctrl dosent work some times it workes when i take out my keyboard out of my pc then wait a bit and i put it back in it works like for 5 minutes then it dosent work its razers foult that it dosent work

Userlevel 2

Hey guys!


Thanks for alerting us about this. You can temporarily disable the Razer Synapse software before testing. If possible, try it on a different PC as well. Please drop me a PM if the issue still persists along with your keyboard’s serial number so I can check for other workarounds.


*Thread locked to curb conversation to PM.