Razer Phone 2 Don't receive or emit calls | Razer Insider
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I bought a Razer Phone 2 in November, really happy with it for the first 2 months, but in the early January it stopped emit and receive calls, while the SMSfunction is still working.

I changed my mobile operator twice to see if that could fix the problem, in vain.

Does anyone got that problem?
Hi there! Have you tried to put it into safe mode to see if the same issue persists? Also, what is the current network type that you are using?
Hi! I tried That. The issue is still there.

What do you mean by network type? I'm using 4G LTE/+.
Thanks for the reply. Have you tried to change the network type to a different one (like 3G instead of LTE)? If not yet, please do and let me know how it goes.