Razer Sila - WAN - Issues | Razer Insider
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I have a similar issue to <Razer Sila - reconnect ISP every 5 min | Razer Insider>.  Has only started recently occurring.  Went through standard troubleshooting - changed settings, firmware reset, ETC (which is how I discovered the Sila seems to work in Bridge mode).

(i) The WAN port (when NOT in Bridge mode) appears to cause the Sila to either disconnect the WAN (WAN connection from modem drops and Status lights begin to link), drop the WiFi or reset the Router - or a combination of everything.

(ii) Sila is working fine in Bridge mode (or at has been for a couple hours).


AP version: RazerSila-2.0.441_api-2.0.418


Anyone got ideas? Is it the firmware?  Is there a manual way to roll it back.


Happy to provide the logs.

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