Razer Surround 7.1 | Razer Insider
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Razer Surround 7.1

Hi I bought Razer Kraken Pro on 22th December 2016 at amazon.com . In 2017 i use razer surround 7.1 with my code which is coming with headset. After months , years i have to change pc and today that i remember i have a surround app for my headset. I logged in with my main account and trying to get 7.1 service but it says please enter activation code. I look my room and found the razer messasge which come with headset. I used my code but it says License code is invalid. So here's my question how can i use my 7.1 again?
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3 Replies

you need to login and register your headset with the serial code and co, there should be a manual at https://www.razer.com/de-de/71-surround-sound right at the right bottom of the site

I already register my headset on 2017 when i log in the site still same nothing changes

how do i fix no authentication when im trying to ligin it jus wont let me login to the surround sound 7.1

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