Dear Support,
For a few weeks my Razer BlackWidow V2 isn’t recognized as a suitable device for all the shi-shi and the pretty cool lightning stuff and all the settings you can set if you play a certain game etc.
I did not change anything (as always) and already tryed anything → changing USB-Ports, Updating Frimware on the keyboard, repairing Synpase 3, Uninstallung and reinstalling it, trouble shooting via windows driver settings, etc.
I’d love to see my Keyboard being recognized again by Synapse 3 and start glowing again. To be specific → There is not even a single key lighted. For a certain time the keyboard was “lighted”, however, Synpase 3 still wasn’t able to recognise the keyboard. Especially the game-specific effects do not work anymore.
Thanks in advance!
Best Regards