razer synapse 3 installation error | Razer Insider
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when i try to install synapse 3 I get this error message
i have been trying for 6 hours now doing different stuff trying to fix it and i am losing hope, please help
same. where the hell is their support? did the new update basically brick everything for you? I reinstalled my OS and it still won't work. it's so frustrating.
i have found a fix that worked for me, when you install it right before the page when it gives you an error it will give you the option to install the other addons to it like studio or alexa but only download the base program and uncheck everything else. after its downloaded i added studio and it worked
Thanks for the response. It's irresponsible how razer completely abandoned any effort to even appear that they are supporting their users. I can't get through on the phone, can't live chat, software option on their site won't provide further steps. I DMed them on twitter; hopefully they reply soon.

I tried uninstalling the addons and that only worked for a short while. Were you ever able to reinstall them? Part of the reason i went with razer was for the hue support. it's so frustrating i can't use it.
My problem was with installing the entire program with the installation file it would install at 40% then give me the error. I never uninstalled the add ons I chose in first time installation to not install them in the first place

The thing I could suggest is to uninstall as much stuff relating to the razar synapse 3 then install it again but when you open the installation file uncheck every box except the synapse 3 box then click install then if the program installed correctly only install the add ons that you really need later. This is how I fixed mine because when I install it the first time to was having trouble finding the Alexa add on and couldn't install it thus giving me the error but unchecking the Alexa box didn't install it so it was fine. I was able to figure this out because in the error screenshot it mentioned alexa and how it had problems with a file