Razer Thresher 7.1 (not ultimate edition) PS4/PC surround | Razer Insider
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i just bought razer thresher 7.1 PS4 (not the ultimate version) and i have a question.

i set it up exactly as the info in manual.

If i hold the volume button for 3 seconds i enable/disable the surround sound. i hear a high and a low tone, which one indicates the 7.1 ON or 7.1 off? because in some games the stereo is so good and you dont understand if the 7.1 is on.

Is there any other signal that shows the on/off state of the surround mode?

Also why in PS4 i have to choose LinearPCM and not Dolby bitstream in output settings? Does it give an advantage?
Do you have the answer already because I have the same question
For Razer Thresher 7.1 PS4, a loud beep means that the Surround sound is enabled and a soft beep means that it is disabled.

Also why in PS4 i have to choose LinearPCM and not Dolby bitstream in output settings? Does it give an advantage?

Is that Question answered? Because that's my question - why LinearPCM not Dolby?