Razor Core X and multiple monitors | Razer Insider
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I found a few similar question but none seemed to be exactly for my need. I currently have 2 pc's that I want to connect to a 6 monitors setup.

Here's my original setup.


- 1 triple hdmi to usb-c connector connected to thunderbolt

- 1 single hdmi to usb

- 1 double hdmi to usb

I currently switch only 2 cables manually when on desktop and switch the main screen to DP.

This leads to an annoying manual switch between the 2, only 3 monitors unless I would switch the usb splitters too and a degrading performance on the laptop which I assume is from the overload of so many monitors powered by the usb ports. Note that there are no external power for all these multi monitor usb adapters.

I noticed that only 3 monitors could work on thunderbolt + htmi out ports combined, I therefore gave up the hdmi out and just use that triple hdmi to usb-c.

Now the real question is, using the Razor Core X https://www.razer.com/ca-en/gaming-egpus/Razer-Core-X/RC21-01310100-R3U1.

If I would want 5 monitors to be connected to 2 videos cards I would use in the Razor Core X, would this bypass the 3 monitor limit of the thunderbolt? I would have 2 video cards installed into the eGPU and connect the eGPU to a thunderbolt switch ( If I can find one ). This switch would be connected to both computers and would allow me to switch the 5 screens from one computer to another and the 6th would be a manual input switch.

Thanks for your help

I realized that the eGPU doesn't take "Up to 3 video cards" but handles cards that take up to 3 slots, please ignore the double video cards in the eGPU and consider a 4 output GPU instead.
I dont think you would need a switch, but yes you could simply unplug the thunderbolt connector from one computer and plug it into the other computer with the Core X. I am able to do this between NUCs. You have to disconnect the GPU in the program nvidia provides in the tray, and then once you connect to the other system, you have to enable the card in the device manager. It would be about a 2 minute process to do a switch between computers.
I appreciate the details that you have shared with me here. And yes, the Razer Core X can accommodate a video card with the dimension that can occupy 3 slots. You can check the device's FAQ and online master guide section on its support page. Should you have other concerns, please send me a PM or submit a case to our Support Team through this link.