Syn 3 + Kraken Tournament + Win 10 = Lags, Frezzes, Crash, BSOD | Razer Insider
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After purchached this device, i installed Syn 3 (because Syn 2 dont found this headset), in normally office work - all fine (maybe), but if i play some games like Rust, Apex, CS - my PC have frezzes, sometimes BSOD, games lag, sound lag, games closes.

In system event logs i see lines "Driver crash / Driver cant load for one HID with Razer ID / etc".

I tryed reinstall all - NOTHING.

I tryed delete all Syn software and turn off headset = PC again stable.

I delete all Syn software and connect headset all fine (i think), BUT i cant use now normally MIC becouse nobody cat hear me (BECAUSE i cant set normally MIC settings without Syn 3). So... WTF i need do? Sell and buy other headset (NOT RAZER with lag software), or WHAT ? This device has a considerable price, and I should not have these problems that other manufacturers do not have (verified), which occupy a niche in the lower segment of the market. Don't you think so?
Hi there! Please PM me the serial number of your Kraken TE. I'll assist you from there.
Have the same problem
Have the same problem

Hi there! Please PM me the serial number of your Kraken TE.