Synapse cloud sync is minimizing games/browser/apps due to sync conflicts. | Razer Insider
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I have two windows installs on my PC, and use a viper wireless mouse with synapse installed. To save myself the hassle of setting up profiles manually on both installs i figured id go through the hassle of creating an account to sync profiles via cloud.

Ever since, i've been randomly minimizing to desktop when playing games- as if i was hitting windows key + D. Alternatively, when im browsing a site that requires keyboard input (like left/right arrows to navigate pictures) all of a sudden the keyboard input wont register and my browser icon on the taskbar "fades" out. Meaning it goes out of focus as if i alt-tabbed to another app, except nothing visible shows up.

After much aggravation i found that the issue is synapse cloud sync initiating in the background and "tabbing to it", except there is no visible window/popup when it happens. However if i hit my synapse icon in the tray, i get prompted with a sync conflict that wants me to either keep my local or cloud settings, or "ask me later".

If i then let it sync, or completely close out synapse, the issue stops. If i log out of my account the issue also stops, however it then reverts back to an old state with only 1 outdated profile.

How can i solve this? Is there a way to disable automatic profile checking and only use sync features when i manually want to?