Tomahawk Mini Issues | Razer Insider
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Preordered the Tomahawk mini NUC system back in June 2021 and the system worked incredibly well for about a year. Sent it in for diagnostic and/or repair because it started to shut off randomly, even from just bumping the table it was on, the cpu fan would make a grinding noise when it kicked up, and the 2 case fans wouldn’t speed up to keep the system cool despite BIOS settings being set for temperature. Got the system back with a paper that basically said there was nothing wrong with it. Continued to have problems for a few more months until I moved to a new house. Problems suddenly seemed to stop after the move so I assumed it was the wiring in the house being old. Now after about 6 months of it working fine the top fans have basically stopped working, Synapse doesn’t recognize the desktop anymore and I’m getting usb surge warnings despite my keyboard and mouse working just fine. I was just on the verge of ordering a new power supply, assuming that was the cause of the problems, but from the looks of the forums multiple people have had the same problems with the system as I have and theirs started just weeks after they bought their system. I was lucky mine made it this long and doubt I’ll ever buy another pc from Razer again.  To make things worse, because I’m out of warranty on the system Razer won’t even allow me to send in a ticket or an email or anything regarding the problems.

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