Blackwidow chroma v2 lighting issues ? someone help ? | Razer Insider
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my keyboard is having lighting issues , 5-6 keys are having different colours thn the rest of the keys and when i import a file or do anything to change my keyboard lighting at razer synapse it doesn't work
The firmware update from v1.0 to v1.1 fixed the number pad lighting issue for me with my Blackwidow Chroma V2 as shown in these posts:


I've not had those number pad keys change to random colors since. BUT, I have had a separate issue with an occasional split second white flash that was either the whole number pad or whole keyboard. It doesn't happen very often, and the normal colors/effect isn't affected otherwise. It also seems to happen more often or be more noticeable when brightness is set very low. Sounds very much like these posts:



can any1 pls help
The 5 and 6 on the numberpad? There is a firmware update for it that might help, do a google search for it, it's on a Reddit forum I think and you can't find it on Razer's site. Otherwise uninstall and reinstall Synapse 3. I believe that you can also use Synapse 2 for the Chroma V2 so you could do that unless you have Synapse 3 peripherals.
my keyboard is having lighting issues , 5-6 keys are having different colours thn the rest of the keys and when i import a file or do anything to change my keyboard lighting at razer synapse it doesn't work

Did you try to reinstall Synapse?
guarantee a hardware/firmware failure on the keyboard.

Good luck mate